Looney Labs Monty Python Fluxx: Patsy expansion


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Who's that clip-clopping steadily behind our gallant monarch? Why it's Patsy, his beloved... steed? (Pretty sure he's using coconuts!) He'll lead you to adventures, and carry your stuff while he's at it! Beware the Bridge of Doom, however! Its punishments are as dire as they are capricious! Eight new cards to add to the oddball hilarity that is Monty Python Fluxx – including a knight so rarely seen that he's not even in the game!

  • Keepers: Patsy and Sir Not Appearing In This Game
  • Goals: The King’s Trusty Servant; Clippity Clop; The Quiet Ones and It’s Terry Gilliam!
  • New Rule: Follow Patsy
  • Action: The Bridge of Death

This is not a complete game - A copy of Monty Python FLuxx is required to play this. 

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